At last, for those of you who can’t physically get to the exhibition, all seven of the Handless Maiden paintings together. (You can also visit the Picasa album here.)

Por fin, para vosotros que no podéis visitar la expo en vivo, aquí tienes juntos los siete cuadros de la serie de La Doncella Manca. (También puedes verlos en Picasa aquí)

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “All 7 Video“, posted with vodpod


  1. Robyn said

    Amazing series, Cherry. You must be so thrilled.
    BTW, that Owusu-Ankomah link is fixed.

  2. DJ said

    Mmmm…So much beauty and so much devotion in every painting…I’m so glad you are a part of CCS, and that you shared your journey with us. I feel blessed to know you, Cherry. Please continue on your journey with confidence and peace.

  3. Robyn, its been great for me to see them hanging all together. Gives me a sense of closure and completion.

    (I’m off to follow that link now!)

    DJ, my place in CCS is booked for infinity! Without you all my journey would be a very different one and not nearly so fulfilling 🙂

  4. Patricia said

    Me encantan!!! Realmente SOS una artista de la hostia! Es bueno ver el trabajo terminado,uno se siente completo.Me alegro mucho que lo hayas logrado. Debes estar muy orgullosa.Te felicito

  5. WildCherry said

    Gracias Patricia 🙂 Me ha sorprendido muchísimo la acogida increíble que ha tenido la exposición aquí en Loja. Ahora entro en la sala de exposición y no miro a los cuadros como míos pero como algo que ya no es parte de mi. Eso es buena señal – significa que ahora dejo los cuadros a buscar su propia trayectoria en el mundo 🙂

    Thanks Patricia, I’ve been agreeably surprised by the incredible reception that the exhibition has had here in Loja. Now I can go in there and see the pictures not as mine but just an exhibition hanging there. This is a good sign, it means that I’m no longer attatched to them and I can leave them to find their own way in the world 🙂

  6. Rosa said


    Queria pedirte permiso para publicar tus pinturas sobre la doncella manca en nuestro blog, Blog de les llobes, http://cat.bloctum.com/llobes/

    Somos un grupo que actualmente estamos trabajando este cuento y al encontrar tus trabajos me ha hecho ilusion poderlos compartir con el grupo.

    Gracias avanzadas,


    • ¡Encantada! Solo pido que pongas un vínculo a mi blog.
      Me parece muy interesante tu blog, volveré a profundizarme más 🙂

  7. Cameron said

    Is this Cherry from Terrapin Rd, SW17 about 20 years ago? Your work is outstanding…last thing I remember you were planning a trip to India to paint. Would love to catch up..

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